
Summer Semester

Ceramic Nanotechnology

Keramische Nanotechnologie
V 2 SWS  VAK 04-26-KE-009


Knowledge and understanding of the processing, properties and characterization techniques of advanced ceramics fabricated from nano and micro particles.


  1. Introduction, Applications, Challenges and Goals
  2. Fundamentals of Colloid and Interface Science
  3. Particle Interactions in Colloidal Systems
  4. Characterization of Nano and Micro Particles
  5. Colloidal Dispersions
  6. Rheology of Suspensions I
  7. Rheology of Suspensions II
  8. Biomineralization of Nanostructured Materials
  9. Functional Ceramic Nanoparticles
  10. Powder Synthesis and Conditioning
  11. Sol-Gel Technology
  12. Shaping Ceramics I - Bulk Materials
  13. Shaping Ceramics II - Thin Films
  14. Summary

Recommended Readings

  • Jürgen G. Heinrich, Introduction to the Principles of Ceramic Forming
  • Reed J.S., Principles of Ceramic Processing, Wiley and Sons, New York ISBN: 0-471-59721-X
  • Hunter R. J., Introduction to Modern Colloid Science, Oxford Science, Oxford ISBN 0-19-855386-2
  • Lagaly, Schulz, Zimehl, Dispersionen und Emulsionen, Steinkopff Verlag ISBN 3-7985-1087-3
  • Brinker C.J., Scherer G.W., Sol-Gel Science – The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing, Academic press, Inc. San Diego ISBN 0-12-134970-5
  • Ring T.A., Fundamentals of Ceramic Powder Processing and Synthesis, Academic Press, San Diego (1996) ISBN: 0-12-588930-5
  • Kollenberg W., Technische Keramik, Vulkan-Verlag Essen (2004) ISBN 3-8027-2927-7