
Head of the Group

Kurosch rezwan 

Kurosch Rezwan, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Am Biologischen Garten 2
IW3, Room 2131
28359 Bremen
Tel. 0421 218 64930

Researcher ID: K-9451-2013
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-7318-1119
Scopus Author ID: 6506376664
Google Scholar

Office hours by appointment

Research Interests

  • protein interactions with ceramic particles
  • nano- and micro porous scaffolds for bioengineering applications
  • surface functionalized ceramics for biosensor and bioreactor developments
  • antibacterial ceramic surfaces
  • biomimetic ceramic - organic composites
  • advanced ceramic composites

Coordination of Major Research Grants


06/2001 - 01/2005 Ph.D. with distinction in Materials Science,
Department of Materials, ETH Zurich Thesis title: "Protein treated aqueous Colloidal Oxide
Particle Suspensions: Driving Forces for Protein Adsorption
and Conformational Changes"
10/1995 - 02/2001 M.Sc. in Materials Science incl. minors in political and industrial economics, ETH Zurich
Thesis title: "Strength of Alumina Fibers Coated with Silica Particles"

Positions and Work Experience

01/2025 - Present Founder and Scientific Director JHS innovate! Zentrum MaTeNa gGmbH
11/2019 - Present Speaker of MAPEX, Center of Materials and Processes, University of Bremen
08/2009 - Present Professor of Advanced Ceramics, University of Bremen
04/2013 - 11/2015 Vice President for Research and Young Academics, University of Bremen
11/2008 - 12/2010 Head of the Biomaterials Technology Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials Research (IFAM) in Bremen  
02/2006 - 07/2009 Assistant Professor Bioceramics, University of Bremen
06/2005 - 01/2006  Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Materials and Centre for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Imperial College London
01/2005 - 04/2005 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Advanced Ceramics, ETH Zurich
06/2001 - 01/2005  PhD student Advanced Ceramics (Prof. L. J. Gauckler), ETH Zurich
11/2000 - 04/2001 Research assistant Advanced Ceramics (Prof. F. F. Lange) University of California Santa Barbara, USA
04/1998 - 09/1998  Assistant Project Engineer Finite Element Method Modeling of Water Turbines Sulzer Hydro, Switzerland
02/1996 - 03/1996 General Industrial Training ABB, Baden, Switzerland

Awards and Fellowships

2011 Wessels award for excellent and innovative industrial cooperation
2011 Biomaterials: Most cited article 2006 - 2010 Award
2010 Fritz-Behrens Science Award
2008 European Research Award: ERC Starting Independent Research Grant
2005 ETH HILTI prize 2005 for innovation and excellence in science & engineering of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
2002-2005 PhD Research Fellowship, ETH Zurich
2001 Scholarship and Travel grant, University of California Santa Barbara

Other Appointments

11/2016 - present Elected Board Member of MAPEX, Centre of Material and Processes, University of Bremen
01/2010 - present Spokesperson of the special investment program “Ceramic Interface Technology” by the State of Bremen
06/2009 - 03/2013 Chairman of the "Bremer Studienpreis" Committee
06/2009 - 2012 Elected Board Member of the DFG Research Training Group "PoreNet" - Nonmetallic Porous Structures for Physical-Chemical Functions
06/2009 - 03/2013 Chairman of the Internal University Research Committee "BFK NaWi"
02/2009 - present Member of the German Rector's Conference (HRK) Committee "Research and the Promotion of Young Academics"
02/2008 - 02/2015 Member of the Board German Association of Universities Bundesland Bremen
12/2006 - 06/2010 Chairman of the German Association of Assistant Professors "Deutsche Gesellschaft Juniorprofessur e.V."
01/2007 - 12/2008 Scientific Advisor "duZ Werkstatt


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Kurosch Rezwan is a materials scientist and engineer who was born in 1975 and raised in Switzerland, close to the city of Lucerne. He earned his Materials Science and Engineering degree from the ETH Zurich in 2001. His diploma thesis he carried out at the University of California Santa Barbara in the Advanced Ceramics research group of Prof. Fred F. Lange, focusing on nano particle coatings of oxide fibers. Shortly after graduation, he joined Prof. Ludwig J. Gauckler's Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials research group at the ETH Zurich where he investigated in his PhD studies protein adsorption onto colloidal oxide particles in aqueous suspensions. His PhD thesis entitled "Protein treated aqueous colloidal oxide particle suspensions: driving forces for protein adsorption and conformational changes" won the ETH HILTI award 2005 for innovation and excellence in science and engineering. During 2005 he was a visiting research fellow at the Materials Department of the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London, where he worked on scaffolds for tissue engineering and on drug release systems. In 2006, with 30 years, he joined the Department of Process and Industrial Engineering at the University of Bremen as an Assistant Professor for Bioceramics with tenure track where he started establishing the Bioceramics research group. In 2008 he was awarded the Starting Independent Research Grant by the European Research Council (1.5 Mio Euros), where 300 young scientists out of more than 9000 applicants were distinguished. In 2009 he became Professor of Advanced Ceramics. In 2010 he received the Fritz-Behrens Award for outstanding scientists and in 2011 the most cited scientific article award in the Biomaterials field for the years 2006 - 2010. Within the same year, he received the Wessels award for excellent and innovative industrial cooperation. In 2012 he and his colleagues were successful with the DFG-Research Training Group proposal (Graduiertenkolleg) “MIMENIMA” as the spokesperson including eight research institutes which started in 1st of October 2013. The beyond the state research idea of “MIMENIMA” is the conditioning of novel porous ceramic structures and their surfaces for applications in important emerging fields of energy, environmental, chemical processing and space technology with a total funding of 9.5 Mio Euros.

Kurosch Rezwan serves as referee for the European Research Council, the German Research Foundation, the German Parliament and for several international journals. He is an editorial board member of the Journal Ceramics International and member of several Materials Science Societies. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers.